Thursday, September 28, 2017

Skipped Class

I purposely skipped a class! Wohoo... Its a common thing here and the lecturer could not care less. So we are good. Hopefully I would not skip anymore classes. For the record the class is BORING. I would usually stay on my phone most of the time. Thank god for fast internet. One of my seniors is also in the class, hopefully he didn't notice that I'm missing. 

I just realized that the only thing I can cook is pasta. Err... Pasta here, pasta there, pasta everywhere. I mean the thing that I can cook for the whole house. At home we don't really eat carbs. I don't think it is an option for this kids. Carb, mostly rice are their world. I still do cook my usual meal, usually I cook for myself. Let's see:
  • Vege omellete
  • Pan fried fish with whatever available in the fridge 
  • Beef bacon (Fave!) with eggs
  • Mashed potatoes (My ultimate comfort food) with everything else
Yup, that's pretty much summed up my everyday meal. Quick and easy meal for my tummy. Now that I think about it, I feel sorry for my future husband. But the good thing is my boyfriend is a good cook, especially Malaysian food. Guess I dont have to worry bout that. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

A Month in Michigan

It is officially month! Honestly, before coming here, I was so scared on how I'm gonna adapt with everything here but everything turns out way better than I ever expected. 

First of all, there are a lot of hijabist here. Malaysians doesn't count lah. I was expecting they would judge me or have this weird questions on my hijab. So weird calling it hijab. Okaylah, scarfla. Yup, apparently there are quiet a number of muslims here.  It reminded me of this story. During this orientation week, there is this thing we, international students, has to do. It is to update our location/activity in the States. Anyway, so my whole group are Malaysians, well INTEC students. Boring. I know right. We gathered in this computer lab and the intentional officer was like, 'finally I can say this to the whole room. Assalamualaikum.' I dont know why I almost tears up. 

Then there's the weather. I was 16 degree Celsius when I first arrived. I remembered thinking it was so cold. I couldn't sleep that night because of it. After awhile I seems to get used to it. During orientation I found out that the weather here is so unpredictable. The oritntion leader said that he once experienced snow, rain, sunshine and breeze all under the course of 4 hours. 16 deg cel is nice. 22 deg cel is hot. Yes hot. Unless there is wind. The wind is pretty strong, and cold. The past few days the temperature is so hot. 29deg cel. Malaysia still win lah. Cannot challenge that one. I miss talking in Malaysia English. 

Next up is the mall. Oh I dont really have problem with the food here. What I eat at home is basically what I eat here. I eat more rice than I eat back in Malaysia. I'm so gonna gain weight. Back to the mall or practically where I shop most of the time. Meijer is like the local Jusco. Just the Jusco part without the stores. No the sentences doesn't make sense doesn't it. Okay, the supermarket section without the store (MPH, Sephora, Hinode Shop, Daiso). Just the Jusco, Oh, Jusco Dato' Onn already opened! The grocery section at Meijer is amazing. A lot of choices. A lot. Household items usually we, my roommates and I, would buy at Walmart. There is also Oriental Mart in town but it doesnt really get my hype up. 

Other than that, life here is pretty similar to what I have in Malaysia. Probably because there are A LOT of Malaysian here, especially in the area I'm living in. Those who live in these neighborhood are my batchmate, yeah from INTEC - tak berkembang langsung - except for this one house. They are the only senior who live around here. As a good seniors to the juniors, their name will pop up whenever we need something. They other day, we need to print some stuff. What do we do? Just go and knock on their door. They live across the road. I think the best part is they are a little crazy. Not crazy crazy but the crazy type I would hang out with. Definitely not the kind of dudes that only talk about academic and and everything that come out of their mouth sound so formal. 

I have this Sexual Assault online seminar that I need to finish up. I just keep the video running while I;m typing this post. I dont know this post is a lil messy and all over the place. My friend just posted a picture of burger. Weyh, burger Ramli man. I miss burger Ramli. Enough now. Have a good day. 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Bucket List

During orientation week, they talked about this traditional bucket list. So I decided to try it out and add my own.

  1. Try every flavor of Ice Cream from MSU Dairy Store. Turns out MSU make a pretty darn good ice cream, and they have a long list of flavors too... 
  2. Take picture with Sparty. It actually take picture with sparty the actual mascot but I took picture with sparty the statue both in MSU Union and the side of the road (don't know the name of it)
  3. Watch football game. 
  4. Tour the Broad Art Museum. Already done this. I didn't get most of the art though.  
  5. Try every restaurant around campus. Tried a few. Love a few. 
  6. Paint the rock. Its a long way down the road but it would be awesome if I did.  
  7. Participate in midnight scream. Its for on campus student but who knows maybe the kids from this neighborhood would make their own scream night. Yes, most who lives here are students.   
  8. Visit MSU museum. 
  9. Walkthrough the Beal Botanical Garden. I actually did this. There was this music in the garden thingy during orientation. I went there, checked it out and got free MSU dairy store ice cream. 
  10. Investigate MSU urban legend. Probably after I graduate.
  11. Watch  movies in Wells Hall. 
  12. Tailgate.
  13. Go to a concert. Not MSU related but yeah. Preferably Jonas concert
  14. Visit every state. Also not MSU related. 
  15. A big one. Go to Nellie's Southern Kitchen. This girl just need to fan girl.

Miles Away from Home

I'm proud to say that I'm officially a student of Michigan State University! Go green! Go white. 

DISCLAIMER: I rather talk about my boyfriend than my family because I just get sensitive when it come to my family. It doesnt mean I love them any less. 

It has been an amazing three weeks. I really would want to mash everything into one post but it could be longer than a Oxford Dictionary. So let's just cut to the chase... Long distance is freakin' HARD! No, I'm not talking about trust issues here. Fortunately, Ameer and I dont have that problem so far. Our relationship is getting more challenging. 

First there is the 12 hours time different which is not so bad. I think we manage to make it work. He has to wake up super early and sleep so late at night. As for me, I have my classes so I do wake up pretty early. 

It gets tougher when you see others just being happy with their partner and here you are trying not to cry hoping he would just be next to you.

A not so decent picture of Ameer. Despite that, it still make me smile. A picture that summarized who he is as a person. The guy that make me smile and laugh so hard to his stupid jokes. The guy that always turns something so stressful into a fun situation. The guy that comfort me and apologized even though it wasn't his fault. Here's one for you sayang. I miss you so much. Oh, he also likes to make weird-annoying face whenever I told him to pose nicely. 

I did however find a new boyfriend. Just a short three-years-contracted-relationship, maybe longer, with a charming fellow. He let me hug him and called him Ameer. He is a little bit hard compared to Ameer but the size is pretty similar. 

I was hoping by writing this post it would make thing easier, but nahh... I miss him even more. I'm gonna end it here. Down below was taken at Spartan Village. Look at the sky. So pretty... It was Eid celebration with MSO, hence the baju kurung. Also a funny story. Maybe next time.