Monday, May 22, 2017

Worst Date Ever!

Yup, the title say it all. Worst date ever. Well... now that I really think about it, its not that bad but... No. It definitely the worst date ever. Let's start from the beginning shall we. 

So, we were dating, me and Ayden, and he was playing with my phone. Somehow deep inside me I knew he is going to find something and we would be in a huge fight. Here is the thing about Ayden : he won't say anything when he is mad. It is so frustrating. I would ask him whats wrong and he just ignore me and walk away. 

The juicy details is that I text my ex. Ayden was not a fan of it at all. It is my fault anyway. Haha. So he was asking me all this things and all I can is cry and laugh. Yes, I laugh. Sorry sayang. 

I feel like something, part of my life is easier to be shared with my ex rather than my own boyfriend. I think he knows some part of me better than Ayden did. Besides, some of the responds are better from my ex than Ayden. So Ayden sayang if you are reading this, improve you responds. Thank you sayang. 

Tonight, I feel like I'm about to lose him and it breaks my heart. I knew he was testing me but man congrats you get want you want. Whatever shit it is, I love you Ayden. I always will love you. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

The Other Man

On this quiet windy night, I feels like talking about my personal life. Besides, this thing kinda happened a few hours ago and it still bothering me. Okay now, first and foremost, I have a boyfriend. Bummer. On this blog his name shall be Ayden - purposely find name that is similar to mine. 

Let's go straight into the story of my messy life - Messy sangat ke? When I first started college, I met this guy. He works at the local store. I used to go there all the time. So yeah, we became pretty close. I was also close with the staff at the store he works at. It is a family business and the staff there are their family members. It is easy to be close to them. Honestly, I get along with them better than I do with the whole member of my college. I can just be myself around them. I can scream and shout in the store. I can swear all I want and says mean stuffs without having to think of their responds. I don't have to put on my angelic face around them, well they are no angel either. I'm surely going to miss them.

This little drama begun about 24 hours ago. I stopped going to the store and avoid it since the beginning of this year. I don't know why but I just want to avoid them. Ever since that, I haven't talk to him. Yesterday, my friend and I stopped by the store. Yes, we did talk and goof around like we used to, but this time something strange came out of this mouth. He starts making jokes about marrying me. At first I thought he was just goofing around, but he made the same joke today when I saw him at dinner. I don't know. I shouldn't think about it too much. Then again it has to mean something. 

Ayden has been a pain in my ass since this afternoon. He is not switching on his phone. Like seriously dude, I feel like killing you. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Check this Cell

Hey everyone. How's life?

I want to tell you about mine. So yesterday I had cell biology lab class. We need to observe cell under microscope. I wasn't excited about the task at first because I didn't have much luck with microscope before. I don't know man. I just can't find anything under the microscope. This time around is a whole different story. I found it! I can see the cell clearly. Miracle. Look at my pretty cell. Aren't they pretty?
The Cell on your Cheek
After the victory, I changed my mind. Maybe I do have a thing for microbiology. This is just the first lab. Let's see how we do in the next one. Already feels the excitement. I literally smiling while typing this post down. 

Here is also a picture of plant cell I got from my lab partner. Shh... Mine is more exciting. 
Plant Cell

Another thing I want to share is I met Ismail Izzani. For those who haven't heard about him, he is the upcoming singer here in Malaysia. Check his first single out.
My college organized this talent show and invited him. I was not a fan of him. I mean come on he is so young. Definitely way too young for me to have a crush on him. Turns out he actually can sing, and pretty good too. Usually the other singer only song good in the radio but sound horribly wrong during live shows. This kid who is 17 years old - he is the same age as my baby brother and sister, btw - is amazing! I did record his performance but the video quality is bad. Sorry guys. His cuteness does helps though. Haha. So anyway, I think I'll end this post here. Got a big day tomorrow. I'll share about it later. Have a nice day everyone and thanks for reading. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Just an Intro

It has been ages since I last blog. I life have been a pretty mess. A new big thing going to happen in a few months. I'm going to the States. Awesome! Excited but scary, but more on that later. So, a little update on my life. Almost finished my preparatory program. Just waiting for the big day. Yes, will talk about that too. Details but not too much details.

There's going to be a few name that pop up more often than others on this blog. Won't mention their real name on this blog though. Let's give them nickname shall we. 

My Current Boyfriend - Ayden 
Close Guy Friend - Eric 
Guy who breaks my heart repeatedly - Liam

I'm freaking hungry. Going to cook now. The blog the not don't yet though. Going to edit it later. This episode of Law & Order: Special Victim Unit got my best attention.