Thursday, May 18, 2017

Check this Cell

Hey everyone. How's life?

I want to tell you about mine. So yesterday I had cell biology lab class. We need to observe cell under microscope. I wasn't excited about the task at first because I didn't have much luck with microscope before. I don't know man. I just can't find anything under the microscope. This time around is a whole different story. I found it! I can see the cell clearly. Miracle. Look at my pretty cell. Aren't they pretty?
The Cell on your Cheek
After the victory, I changed my mind. Maybe I do have a thing for microbiology. This is just the first lab. Let's see how we do in the next one. Already feels the excitement. I literally smiling while typing this post down. 

Here is also a picture of plant cell I got from my lab partner. Shh... Mine is more exciting. 
Plant Cell

Another thing I want to share is I met Ismail Izzani. For those who haven't heard about him, he is the upcoming singer here in Malaysia. Check his first single out.
My college organized this talent show and invited him. I was not a fan of him. I mean come on he is so young. Definitely way too young for me to have a crush on him. Turns out he actually can sing, and pretty good too. Usually the other singer only song good in the radio but sound horribly wrong during live shows. This kid who is 17 years old - he is the same age as my baby brother and sister, btw - is amazing! I did record his performance but the video quality is bad. Sorry guys. His cuteness does helps though. Haha. So anyway, I think I'll end this post here. Got a big day tomorrow. I'll share about it later. Have a nice day everyone and thanks for reading. 

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