Monday, October 23, 2017

I'm Outta Here

Final after two months, I went out of Lansing!

First stop: Cider Mill.
When we arrived there, turns out all the apple was harvested cuz' of the hot weather. Understandable. Then they (the seniors) brought us to another place in Charlotte county. It was a pretty long journey. I got to see Mich! and not just Lansing. Outside of Lansing is pretty much a countryside. Everything is brown and dying, fall - duh. Our picture at Cider Mill:

Next stop, Country Mill somewhere in Charlotte. We paid $13 for a bag and picked away. Manage to fill three quarter of the bag and it is too heavy to carry. I did bought half a gallon Apple Cider. I never taste apple cider before. I have no idea how it would taste like. Also, I dont like to eat fruit unless it is processed. Freak. The point of me joining this trip is, I am so over Lansing. Need some fresh new view. So yeah, I dont eat apple and I went apple picking. 

Here's some random picture from the trip. 
p/s: I can't get over the song Akad by Payung Teduh. Well, love all the cover version better than the original one but wth. 

My roommate back in INTEC. If is wasn't for her, I wouldn't have joined this trip. Thanks for dragging me along. Oh and along with the driver and co-driver, Marin & Sara, even though we almost get into an accident but yeah... 

I miss road trips.

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