Monday, October 23, 2017

I'm Outta Here

Final after two months, I went out of Lansing!

First stop: Cider Mill.
When we arrived there, turns out all the apple was harvested cuz' of the hot weather. Understandable. Then they (the seniors) brought us to another place in Charlotte county. It was a pretty long journey. I got to see Mich! and not just Lansing. Outside of Lansing is pretty much a countryside. Everything is brown and dying, fall - duh. Our picture at Cider Mill:

Next stop, Country Mill somewhere in Charlotte. We paid $13 for a bag and picked away. Manage to fill three quarter of the bag and it is too heavy to carry. I did bought half a gallon Apple Cider. I never taste apple cider before. I have no idea how it would taste like. Also, I dont like to eat fruit unless it is processed. Freak. The point of me joining this trip is, I am so over Lansing. Need some fresh new view. So yeah, I dont eat apple and I went apple picking. 

Here's some random picture from the trip. 
p/s: I can't get over the song Akad by Payung Teduh. Well, love all the cover version better than the original one but wth. 

Friday, October 6, 2017

One Lucky Girl

My wonderful chubby-almost-bald boyfriend introduced me to this video. The guy is good looking and he has an amazing voice. I got an instant cursh on him the other day. His name is amir hasan. It seems like the name 'amir' - or ameer, always catches my heart. 

I just found out that one of my friends broke up with her ex cuz' the relationship was 'toxic'. I dont wanna talk about her just want to tell my story. I've been in one of those relationship before. I was with this 'ustaz'. He is pretty religious and it was the worst relationship ever! I know whoever knew my relationship history would think it was my other ex. Sorry to disappoint. That ex treat me better than this ustaz guy. 

Anyway, this toxic relationship kinda like a drug to me. I was suffering inside but I can't enough of it. There is still a little dose left in my system. He suffocate me and left, but he always find his way back to me. I dont know what better way to describe it but for me toxic relationship was not with a bad boy like everyone would expect but with a religious good guy who supposed to be prince charming.  Technically he is a prince charming, at least that is how everyone sees him. 

Lesson learnt. I do prefer bad boys who shows his true color with me and the people around him. No more angelic faced boys with hidden darkness. 

Oh, I know they won't read this but I just to get it out of my chest. My high school years are the worst years of my life. Thanks to the individuals who made it that way. 'Care' but doesn't know the freakin line. No I NEVER appreciate what you guys have done nor I would forget it. My grades was down cuz of you guys, and not that pride that I'm here because of you too. Know that it is NOT! I know how to separate  my personal life and my study, I still know. I fuckin know that you don't believe it but fuck yeah its my life bitch. 

No, Ameer is not a saint, he is a satan. I get every shades of him and he gets the best side and the worst side of me. He handled them amazingly well. I'm one lucky girl.